Simplify Analyzer Control with Fleet Management

October 18, 2024

Managing your analyzers just got easier with Fleet Management, a cloud-based solution that puts control at your fingertips. Monitor device performance, troubleshoot issues, and push updates in real-time—all from anywhere. Stay ahead of operations with seamless remote access to your entire fleet.

Key Features of Fleet Management

Fleet Management offers powerful tools to efficiently manage and monitor your analyzers:

  • Automatic Upload of Test Results: All test data is securely uploaded to the cloud with unlimited storage. Users can access their complete test history anytime, while administrators remotely monitor data quality.
  • Export Management: Easily export results in various formats such as PDF, CSV, or Excel—ideal for inspection companies that need customizable reporting.
  • XRF and LIBS Data Merging: Integrate data from both technologies for precise chemical analysis, essential for grades that involve carbon measurements.
  • GeochemPro Heat Maps: Visualize the concentration of elements in materials with heat maps, covering up to 256 raster samples for in-depth geochemical analysis.

Manage Data with Ease

Effortlessly track and manage data across your analyzers:

  • View Device Statistics: Track performance metrics at a glance.
  • Upload and Export Results: Access test data from any location.
  • Compare Tests Side-by-Side: Identify trends and discrepancies.
  • Create Templates: Streamline reporting with reusable test templates.

Ensure Device Health and Troubleshoot in Real-Time

Proactively monitor device health and solve issues remotely:

  • Check Testing Quality: Ensure consistent performance.
  • Collect Device Logs: Access logs for detailed diagnostics.
  • Monitor Device Failures: Detect and resolve issues before they escalate.
  • Identify Troubleshooting Solutions: Initiate real-time corrective actions.

Keep Your Devices Updated and Configured

Fleet Management makes updating and configuring your devices effortless:

  • Push Software Updates: Deploy updates to all or selected devices.
  • Change Licenses and User Information: Adjust access levels and user permissions easily.
  • Monitor Device Usage: Track logged-in devices and applications.
  • Send Bug Reports: Use predictive maintenance tools to prevent downtime.

All SciAps models are cloud-enabled, allowing you to quickly add new devices to your Fleet Management system with just a few clicks.

Watch Fleet Management in Action

In the video below, Don and Katerina demonstrate the Fleet Management system, showcasing how real-time tests sync seamlessly to the cloud.

Elevate Sample Analysis for Better Results

Fleet Management’s ability to merge XRF and LIBS data on the same sample ensures comprehensive and accurate grade determination. By cross-referencing results, you’ll detect critical details often missed by using one method alone.

This system also helps identify issues early, especially for applications that require precise carbon measurements. For example, if a sample preparation or grinding error occurs, managers can request instant testing of standards to confirm whether the problem lies in the analyzer or the testing process—minimizing downtime and improving accuracy.

Seamless Software Updates and Maintenance

Maintaining your analyzers is as easy as updating a smartphone. Push updates or send configuration files directly from the cloud, without needing to send instruments back to SciAps or wait for a technician. Fleet Management allows you to:

  • Deploy Software and Configuration Files: Ensure devices run the latest software.
  • Change Licenses and User Profiles: Manage permissions remotely.
  • Submit Bug Reports for Predictive Maintenance: Address potential issues proactively.

Discover the Power of Fleet Management

With SciAps Fleet Management, you’ll enjoy full control of your analyzer fleet, from troubleshooting to updates—anytime, anywhere. Experience the convenience and reliability that comes with smarter device management.

Contact us for details or to schedule a demo.

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